Pre-priced Quilts
Skip the bidding! Choose from a selection of specially curated pre-priced quilts and comforters available for immediate purchase.
Pre-priced quilt sales begin at noon.
Pre-priced quilt #1
65"x76" | Pieced, hand quilted comforter. Donated by MCC Thrift Care and Share shop.
Pre-priced quilt #2
60"x80" | Tied and pieced comforter. Top donated.
Pre-priced Quilt #3
47"x48" | Flannel Streaks of Lightening crib quilt, flannel back, picked by N. Burkholder, hand quilted by Anna Reesor and Ruth Reesor, members of Rouge Valley Quilters.
Pre-priced Quilt #4
32"x40" | Lap quilt pieced by Louise Pogue,
Hand quilted by Ruth Reesor and Anna Reesor.
Pre-priced Quilt #5
38.5"x40" | Lap quilt square in a square pieced by Nancy Burkholder. Flannel back. Hand quilted by Ruth Reesor and Anna Reesor.
Pre-priced Quilt #6
32"x41" | Lap quilt pieced by Joyce Reesor. Hand quilted by Anna Reesor and Ruth Reesor.
Pre-priced Quilt #7
60"x79" | Tied corduroy comforter. Flannel back. Pieced by Nancy Burkholder
Pre-priced Quilt #8
60"x80" | Tied comforter.
Pre-priced Quilt #9
67"x75" | Trip Around the World tied comforter. Pieced by Nancy Burkholder.
Pre-priced Quilt #10
62"x82" | Tied comforter. Star Blocks from MCC Care and Share Thrift Shop. Pieced by Nancy Burkholder.
Pre-priced Quilt #11
64"x84" | Streak of lightening tied flannel comforter. Flannel back.
Pre-priced Quilt #12
34"x34" | Lone Star" printed panel, wall hanging. Hand quilted. Donated by Anita Tiessen.
Pre-priced Quilt #13
64"x79" | Tied comforter.
Pre-priced Quilt #14
80"x92" | Pieced comforter. Tied.
Pre-priced Quilt #15
104"x108" | Wedding Ring printed panel. Hand quilted.
Pre-priced Quilt #16
62"x69" | Vintage Yoyo quilt, As is. Some hand quilting.